Tracks made in 2024
2024 was an exciting year for the Arabah Project. I'm so grateful for the progress we've made so far and grateful too for the interest, encouragement and support of many - including you. Thank You!
Earlier this fall someone asked me how the Arabah project was going and I replied;
"Well, its like I'm wandering in a desert at the moment."
I wasn't being cute or clever. For several months, other pressures and responsibilities had got in the way of any real progress on the project. After the flurry of activity earlier in the year it all felt very anticlimactic. It reminded me that desert experiences come in all shapes and sizes.
But I have been reflecting on all the blessings of this past year and there is much to grateful for.
In March we launched a new website! (this one).
Throughout the spring I had the opportunity to take several online courses and experiment with new materials and techniques.
In May I had the unique opportunity to study with Michael Workman at his studio in Spring City, Utah. It was a memorable and profitable experience. (You can read more about that here)
Following the workshop with Workman, my daughter Jamie joined me for a week of painting and photographing around southern Utah. It was a productive time "in the field," adding miles both on the road and on canvas. (Read journal)
It was a busy summer in the studio and I'm grateful for my creative space to work.
In June, we dropped the Arabah trailer which we were invited to share at New City Church's film night.
Then, in September, we were again invited by New City Church (in Hamilton, ON) to share a sneak peek of the Arabah exhibit at Super Crawl. This was a great opportunity to see how the concept, the story, and the exhibit are all starting to come together.

This past month (December), Reformed Perspective magazine published a profile on my work. This was a great way to end the year.
Last week, while on my Christmas break, I was able to get into the studio again and start working on some larger paintings. After much experimentation and many many, sketches it feels good to be working on some more substantial pieces. I'm really excited about the latest efforts and can't wait to share them with you.

Stay tuned! And Thank You!, once again, for your interest and enthusiasm for this work.